Curated Life Magazine – An invitation sparks Inspiration and ultimately Innovation.
As much as I am a somewhat reluctant user of social media, it does have it’s upside. Earlier this year, I received a message through instagram from Julene Chung, editor of Curated Life Magazine asking if I’d like to contribute to their Mentor Moment. The magazine is geared towards female, millennial entrepreneurs, and is as informative as it is beautiful to look at. So, of course, I said yes. You can download Issue 3 here where my article, “Design Your Business, Design Your Life” appears on pg 32 and 33.
One of the points I made in the article is this: “Focus on giving and you will receive more opportunities to serve”. My experience with Julene and her readership, clearly exemplified this point. The article I wrote for the magazine was followed by an invitation to be one of the speakers at a Master Class on Confidence that would be part of the launch for the Third issue. And of course I said Yes.
It was an awesome event that gave me back so much in return. Meeting these young women and witnessing how they are creatively contributing to make this world better was incredibly inspiring. Their openness in sharing their ideas and enthusiasm in response to my offerings that evening, prompted me to take my business to the next level with publications, in-person and on-line workshops on how to use those tools and even t-shirts (yes tshirts) that all function together to shift the collective consciousness to focusing on changing the world from the inside out.
All of this will be rolled out before the end of the year and I can hardly wait.
In the meantime, I encourage you to check out Curated Life Magazine online or in print and follow them as they continue to give us the inside scoop on some of the best innovators in this city who are walking the walk to Design their Lives.
Dr. Stacy